Zikr-e-Ghalib - A review by Kay S

ZIKR- e -GHALIB - A Celestial treat A Kathputliyaan Theatre Group Production directed by Zafer Mohiuddin “The actor creates with his own flesh and blood all those things which all the arts try in some way to describe!” - Lee Strasberg It is indeed not every day that we mortals wake up to a beautiful day, experience magic, express without inhibitions, dance as if nobody is watching you, sing with the chords of our souls, or portray words with panache. Today, July 13, 2019, for me will go into the annals of history as a day which allowed me to witness one such treat, a celestial one at that, where music, dance, drama, and poetry joined hands to create an undeniable, unmatchable, spellbinding magical confluence of sorts leaving each one of us in the audience speechless, stuck in our seats hoping for it to never end. Yes, this was the feeling I experienced from watching ‘Zikr-e-Ghalib,’ an amazingly directed play by Zafer Mohiuddin Saab who created history by ...