Au Revoir, 2021! Welcome 2022!!

Au Revoir, 2021! Welcome 2022!! 

An Ode to a year that passed…..

"The Universe beholds each time a heavenly soul descends on earth. Each come with a message for humanity to be Kind, Compassionate, Honest, Righteous, Respectful, Empathetic, and Conscientious.  Humanity & Mankind today needs to restart itself to leave a better world for tomorrow. As we start a New Year, a new chapter it's time to deep dive into our souls to Refresh, Rejuvenate, Rethink, & Restart for a better tomorrow." - Kay S

As we wrap up another year, let’s reflect upon what we HAVE rather than the HAVE-NOTs.  Yes!!!! This has been a very difficult year for all of us across the world, but I believe we are richer by experience and tougher in mental strength.  Let us be grateful to be alive and strive to be a better version of ourselves in the coming year.  Let us start the year with positive vibes and thoughts that will reflect upon us and the world around us.

The year has left many thoughts for me to reflect upon and I look back at them in the most surreal manner as I draw the curtains to a tumultuous year personally too.  To say that this has probably been one of the most difficult years for those of us who have not experienced any other pandemic would be an understatement.  Many of us lost our jobs, near and dear ones, health, peace of mind, and most importantly our freedom to move around like free birds. As I rewind back and reminisce about the 364 days that have passed, which were almost like the year before or worse due to the havoc created by the pandemic and the aftermath of the same, I have this extreme feeling of gratitude. Yes, gratitude firstly for the mere fact that I am very much alive after fighting one of the dangerous bouts of Covid-19 and having a near-death experience, but more-so for all the blessings and prayers I received from friends, some of my family, and near and dear ones.

Before I move on, with utmost priority I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Supreme power of the Universe for giving me another chance to make a positive impact and leave an impression on this Earth. My Spiritual Master & Guide, Baba Jaan; the keeper of my soul, Khan Saab; my Soulmate, Tahseen; my Shehzada, Bilaal; my Godfather, Dutt Saab; last but not the least, my lifesaver, Dr. Jawali deserve a very special mention because I believe I walk this Earth again today alive and well because of these special blessed souls who kept praying and encouraging me to fight each and every single day during Covid. Very importantly, this is the time, I must thank the two lovely angels I have given birth to, Sheetal and Shreyas for being the wind beneath my wings throughout my tough times always. A special heartfelt gratitude to my son, Shreyas who was my meticulous caretaker who cooked, cared, and nursed me back to health with his timely supply of juices, fruits, medicines, water, food and everything I needed. It’s an utter moment of satisfaction as a mother when your children stand by you like pillars when you need them the most and I would not be wrong when I say I am indeed the proudest and luckiest mother in the world for I have that strength from both my kids and I am thankful the Universe chose them to be my children and me as their mother.  They say that it is during your worst times that you recognize who your well-wishers are and I believe that really came true for me. I am grateful to the Universe for bringing my lovely extended family, my aunt, and my cousins back into my life after 20 long years of my life. Those lovely calls from them to make sure I am okay during my tough times and encouraging me to hang in there, be it from Mumbai or Germany was a God-sent message from the Universe for me to strive to hang in there. Most importantly I cannot but be thankful enough for my numerous friends across India, Pakistan, Australia, and US who prayed for my life and well-being constantly for a whole month have been no less than my life-saving angels from God himself. If I missed any of you who were there for me, kindly know that all of you matter to me and this does not mean I have discounted any of your wishes for me.  Thank you.

This year is already gone and we have a New Year, a new dawn, a new beginning in the next few hours.  As I always mention to my mentees and friends, Yesterday is History and has passed; today is the now, the present, an undeniable fact; tomorrow is the future, which although is only an opinion. Hence, it’s all the more important to learn from our mistakes and not dwell on them but to move on; concentrate on the present to make the right choices to define our lives for a better tomorrow. While we are planning and hoping for a glorious tomorrow, it is important and imperative to remain a responsible human being but practicing some very important virtues such as mindfulness, honesty, sincerity, compassion, empathy, kindness, and humility.  It is also most important to have utmost gratitude for everything good and bad that happens with us, for each and every occurrence is for our better good that the Universe has conspired to put us through for us to be a better version of ourselves. While we make our life’s choices, one must be very careful to ensure they are based on how they would want to live rather than what others would want or would approve of because doing that would be a beginning of an end or just another catastrophe. Expecting a certificate of approval from everyone is nearly impossible as people are different based on their experiences, upbringing, or beliefs; hence, the best possible way is to agree to disagree and move on as you have come into this world with your script and you have the right to rewrite, refresh, or reconfigure it to suit and define you. More often than not, we will face dilemmas or be at crossroads and it would be refreshing to put the refresh button and reach out to the Universe which will always guide you either through a soul or through omens. The fear of the Unknown and our perceptions stops from achieving or enjoying what we have making us lose our today for an unknown tomorrow. Time always slips through sands through the hour glass leaving you to deal or grapple with memories, pleasant and unpleasant alike. Let’s be conscientious enough to build pleasant memories by fearing fear itself as it limits us in a world of unlimited opportunities.  Let’s aspire to be an Unfinished version of ourselves to keep upgrading on our version of ourselves.

Before I say adieu to all of you for this year, I would like to bring your attention to the most important virtue apart from humility that I believe one should possess mindfulness.  Let us develop the ability to empty your cuppa called the brain each day to be able to absorb the lessons of the Universe each day for a full cup overflows and an empty cup shall absorb. Words are verbal expressions that have temperature and actions are non-verbal expressions of the mind; both have the capacity to impress, elate, hurt, scar, or destroy a human being.  Words uttered aloud are akin to fired bullets that can never be withdrawn.  We can never be aware of anyone’s battles or journey of life if we have not walked in their shoes; hence, let’s be mindful enough to measure our words before firing them as we generally tend to hurt people we care about the most. A smile always begets a smile and defuses tension.  Let us all endeavor to practice mindfulness, positivity, and humility as virtues for life.  I endeavor to pass on the messages the Universe passes on to me as I everything I write is with the almighty as the ink and me being his pen.  I hope you shall benefit from this miniscule service of mine to enrich your souls at least a wee bit.

As a parting thought, I wish you all a brilliant and Happy New Year 2022 filled with pleasant surprises, happiness, health, prosperity and success in everything that you wish you do and achieve in your lives.  May the Universe assist to fulfill all your wishes, big and small! Stay blessed and Godspeed all!

"The Universe registers, records, & responds to all our thoughts and affirmations in multiples without differentiation of positive or negative. The more positive your affirmations, more conducive will be the responses.  Hence, think positive & believe in the power of the Universe to conspire and fulfill your wishes!"


Kay S



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